Env var Read Only and Volumes

November 12, 2021 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Find out what files are normally modified in a container by doing a diff

test@localhost: sudo docker container run --name wp -d wordpress:php8.0-apache 
test@localhost: sudo docker diff wp
C /run
C /run/apache2                           #<--- Created new folder
A /run/apache2/apache2.pid       #<--- Added new file 

Now I can create a read-only container, providing writing access only to specific directories. RO containers are safer and can prevent users from performing changes.

test@localhost: sudo docker container run -d --name wp --read-only --volume /run/apache2 --tmpfs /tmp wordpress:php8.0-apache 

The volumes are part of the Mounts configuration in the container.

test@localhost: sd inspect wp | jq '.[].Mounts[]|{Destination,Source,Driver}'
  "Destination": "/run/apache2",
  "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/96d17544b776275f28cc2e83c59f13c174f82b4c6339957816c4949158ab9a00/_data",
  "Driver": "local"
  "Destination": "/var/www/html",
  "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/95c1df6097627ef6fa2e5c5bab769d14963ab50ac05969a9a754062d1e106e76/_data",
  "Driver": "local"

tmpfs is only available on Linux and it creates a FS that is available while the container is running.

We can now launch a msyql container first, and pass an env var to set the root password

test@localhost: sudo docker run -d --name wpdb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ch2demo mysql
test@localhost: sudo docker container run -d --name wp --link wpdb:mysql -p 8080:80 --read-only --volume /run/apache2 --tmpfs /tmp wordpress:php8.0-apache 

List all the env var in a container with an exec command:

test@localhost: sd container exec wpdb env